Implementation of Media and Information Literacy Project for Youth in Jordan’s Public Schools Instills Critical Skills, Knowledge and Ethics for Discerning and Empowered Digital Citizens

01 Jul 2021

Jordan Media Institute – Amman – At a joint online media briefing, the Jordan Media Institute and Al-Mamlaka TV showcased the successful outcome of a project implemented under the overarching theme of “Storytelling: Giving Youth a Voice in the Media.” In coordination with the Ministry of Education, the Jordan Media Institute focused on strengthening awareness and knowledge of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) among youth at four of Jordan’s public schools in Al Mugabalin, Sahab, Madaba and Salt.

Launched in August 2019 with funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the project sought to train 12 teachers from designated King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence on MIL, video production and storytelling as well as designing training manuals for them with the expertise and guidance of PBS. In addition, 40 public school students received training on MIL and video production. As a result of this training through the Student Reporting Lab, these students produced 12 videos, currently airing on Al-Mamlaka TV, covering a range of issues impacting them and their communities.

In comments during the online event, Al Mamlak representative Abdallah Kafaween, who mentored the students during the implementation of the project, believes that the importance of the project was reflected in the support given to the activities of the local communities in giving the youth of those regions a voice in the media further adding that the reports they produced addressed community topics and issues of importance to these youth.

Sadeen Abu Hazeem, a youth participant and trainee, shared that the experience of working on this project played a major role in expanding her perception and understanding of the media, their representation of the public conscience and opinion through reporting, highlighting both the positive and negative aspect and helping solve problems.

This collaboration also resulted in the creation of an interactive digital MIL game geared toward children and youth which provides an opportunity to learn critical thinking and discernment skills in Media and Information Literacy.

Elis Estrada, Senior Director at PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Lab, congratulated all the project participants which included the teachers, students, trainers and the Jordan Media Institute adding how “..very incredible [it is] to see this team from afar and watch how the work of PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs can inspire the students to learn journalism skills.”  She conveyed her enthusiasm at the stories produced by these youth which are of interest to many and to watching more of the “awesome stories.”

“The Jordan Media Institute is proud to partner with the Carnegie Corporation of New York, PBS and Al-Mamlaka TV, and is profoundly grateful for the support in the implementation of this project aimed at empowering Jordan’s young digital citizens,” said Radi AlKhas, Executive Director of the Jordan Media Institute. “As the digital landscape continues to grow, such programs that give youth the tools to become active digital producers and consumers are critical to ensuring that these voices are heard and continue to grow as part of the critical public discourse.”

The Jordan Media Institute has been actively introducing Media and Information Literacy skills and competencies throughout Jordan since 2016. Through various endeavors and collaborations, JMI drafted the strategic framework for introducing MIL on a national scale, which was adopted by the Jordanian government with JMI as the implementing arm. JMI has implemented and continues to implement numerous capacity building workshops on MIL in collaboration with several partners with the aim of creating more awareness on both the production and consumption side of information thereby creating a more discerning consumer and producer of content.

The Jordan Media Institute is a non-profit educational institution founded by Her Royal Highness Princess Rym Ali to enhance the performance of journalists and media practitioners in Jordan and the region. The institute, which provides professional education and training opportunities, offers its programs in Arabic in order to raise the level of Arab media and provide foreign media outlets with professional Arabic-speaking journalists.

For more information on JMI’s programs, please visit
