JMI Launches a Webinar on News Accuracy 

25 Mar 2020

JMI-  Jordan Media Institute is launching a webinar to discuss media accuracy, seeking to raise awareness on the mechanisms of news validation and to combat fake news and rumors, held in light of the worldwide emerged coronavirus crisis.


This initiative comes as part of the institute’s projects and programs aiming to increase awareness on the concepts of media and information Literacy, implemented through a number of projects since 2016, and as a response to local and regional developments and the pressing need to provide social media users with news verification skills and raise awareness on publishing ethics in this time.


The webinar enables participants to pose questions, interact with the trainer, and engage in discussion.


It is hosted by journalist Anas Damrah from the institute’s Media and Information Literacy team. Aya Khawaldeh from the institute’s media credibility monitor "Akeed" will be joining the webinar to discuss some of the fake news and rumors that were widely circulated in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.


The workshop is held on Sunday 29/3/2020 at 1 pm, for a duration of 1.5 hours through the online platform “Zoom”. It will be broadcast on the Facebook pages of the JMI and "Akeed".


 Target Audience: Social Media users ages 18 to 60.


