Media and Information Literacy Initiatives Launched

06 Nov 2016
UNESCO today launched the Arabic version of a book on guidelines for policy and strategy on eradication of media and information illiteracy, the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), at the Jordan Media Institute (JMI). &nbsp;An expert on media development and community at UNESCO presented the book during the launch ceremony today. He said that &quot;the sustainable implementation of media and information literacy on the national level requires policies that involve government institutions, media, civil society organizations, and Internet intermediaries.&quot;&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Dr. Basim Tweissi, dean of JMI, commended the international efforts that are made to support media and information literacy worldwide. He noted that the Arab region in general needs additional efforts in this field, while the region is witnessing growing employment of media and information sources in political conflicts. He said that Jordan wants to benefit from international experiences in media and information literacy.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> &nbsp;