With the Participation of Prince El Hassan JMI Takes Part in Seminar on Social Media

08 Sep 2016
<div style="text-align: justify;">The Jordan Media Institute (JMI) took part in a seminar organized by the Arab Thought Forum on social media. His Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal participated in the seminar. He said that there are different types of technological uses in Jordan, which must focus on distinction.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> His highness stressed the need to go beyond information as a service and use it to improve the situation of the community. He called for humanizing actions in the face of challenges, adopting moderation, heeding the voice of reason, and steering clear of immoderation. This will lead communities toward greater integration without discrimination.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> He added that youth develop their life skills in search of a better future. In this context, he lauded the advanced capacities of Gold Award Holders from the graduates of El Hassan Youth Award.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> His highness called for employing means of technology and knowledge to build a new platform that speaks about the future of Jordan, especially since it is no longer local, but global.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> His highness said that technology must be utilized to achieve community solidarity, serve the development and reform process, and enhance the progress and prosperity of communities. He noted that Arab and international studies have benefited from the broad use of social media in Arab communities, which are seeking communication with the aim of advancement and improving scientific achievement and knowledge to bridge the gap with the advanced world.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> JMI Dean Dr. Basim Tweissi pointed out that a number of reports by the Jordan Media Credibility Monitor (AKEED) have examined the application of the concept of &quot;loud minority,&quot; which was developed by new media studies, to what is happening on social media networks in Jordan. This concept refers to a small group of known or anonymous activists who contribute toward directing public opinion on specific issues and create a phenomenon of polarization between supporters and opponents.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> He said that people who follow social media networks observe the increasing intensity of discussions on these pages and the existence of a worrying phenomenon, which threatens social and national fabric and civil peace. This phenomenon feeds on exclusionist rhetoric, which sows chaos and undermines the values of tolerance.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Barihan Qumuq, a media person, said that one of the challenges facing our community is the confusion of concepts and terms and using them in ways that are removed from their true meaning. Hostile positions on social media sites are adopted on this basis. Discussions often lead to violent verbal confrontations between users on Facebook or Twitter.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> She added that social media sites appear like an arena for a new type of political education, which can be considered subjective or not targeted. At the same time, she said that there is targeted political activity through spreading rumors, which falls under the so-called &quot;Fourth Generation&quot; warfare.&nbsp;</div>