Jordan Media Institute launches Arabic-language digital game aimed at raising awareness on Media and Information Literacy in Jordan and the region

30 Nov 2021

Amman – November 30, 2021 - The Jordan Media Institute (JMI) launched “Captain E3lam”, an Arabic language digital educational game on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) with the aim of empowering a more discerning youth between the ages of 14-16 with knowledge and skills in navigating an unfettered digital landscape. The game, available at the Apple App store, Google play and Huwawei’s App Gallery, is part of the two-year project titled “Storytelling: Giving Youth a Voice in the Media” and was implemented by JMI, in partnership with Carnegie Corporation of New York and PBS NewsHour.

In her remarks, HRH Princess Rym Ali emphasized the importance of Media and Information Literacy (MIL), stating that the game was “… developed to address a growing critical need for Media and Information Literacy education that allows for entertaining ideas, points of view, ideologies and more, through a keen discerning lens that differentiates between fact and propaganda, truth and mis/dis/mal-information, digitally manipulated content and true original content. Media and Information Literacy has become a critical aspect of everyday life as access to digital content continues to expand.”


Her Royal Highness also stressed the importance of partnerships, stating: “This game [“Captain E3lam”] marks another successful effort that promises to have a positive impact on target youths, but also showcases how such joint efforts and partnerships are an invaluable part of preparing our youth for responsible digital citizenry.”

A video introduced the game application and was followed by a livestreaming of students from the King Abdullah II School for Excellence who have completed training through the project, as they accessed and interacted with the game in real-time.

H.E. Dr. Mustafa Hamarneh, CEO of the Jordan Media Institute praised the impact that JMI’s partnerships have had on entrenching MIL education and principles: “We are very proud of JMI’s achievements and grateful to our partners that have been part of our quest to ensure consumers of digital media become conscientious digital citizens, creating critical awareness of the vast diversity of opinions and counter-opinions within the realm of oftentimes conflicting ideologies, philosophies, politics, perceptions and more, that make up the digital landscape which has become an alternate universe of existence for many.”

Media and Information Literacy is considered a critical skill that is necessary in today’s digital world, where unchecked information has become readily accessible, making room for misinformation, inaccuracy, manipulation, and hate speech. Through offering the tools for fact-checking and guidelines for ethical reporting and media content management, MIL contributes to creating an educated, critical, productive, and creative society. JMI continues to conduct projects, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture through the national MIL strategy. Today, MIL has become a known concept that is widely used, reaching decision-makers and youth alike, and increasing awareness, collaboration, and further demand from civil society and NGOs to further highlight its importance.


The Jordan Media Institute (JMI) is a non-profit educational institution founded by Her Royal Highness Princess Rym Ali to enhance the performance of journalists and media practitioners in Jordan and the region. The institute, which provides professional education and training opportunities, offers its programs in Arabic in order to raise the level of Arab media and provide foreign media outlets with professional Arabic-speaking journalists. JMI is also the official implementing arm of the Jordanian Government’s National Strategy on Media and Information Literacy.

To download the app, please visit the app stores below:

For more information on JMI’s programs, please visit or contact us via email at

