JMI and Al Jazeera Media Network Sign Training MoU

27 Mar 2015
March&nbsp;<span style="line-height:20.7999992370605px">26,</span>&nbsp;2015<br /> The Jordan Media Institute (JMI) and Al Jazeera Media Training and Development Center (AJTC) signed in Amman on Thursday, March&nbsp;<span style="line-height:20.7999992370605px">26,&nbsp;</span>2015 a memorandum of understanding to exchange expertise and launch joint programs in the fields of media training and research. JMI Dean Dr. Basim Tweissi and AJTC Director Mr. Mounir Daymi signed the MoU at the institute on behalf of their organizations.<br /> <br /> Dr. Tweissi said the agreement was part of JMI&rsquo;s efforts to become a center of excellence for media training in the region, noting that regional developments have exposed the media&rsquo;s dire need for training. Through cooperating with Al Jazeera center, the institute hopes to bridge the gap in training needs in the region and improve media performance, he added.<br /> <br /> Dean Tweissi pointed out that JMI was the largest media training institute in Jordan, where more than 770 individuals received training in 2014. He also highlighted the need for more studies to assess training needs and to measure the impact of such training on media performance.<br /> <br /> For his part, Mr. Daymi expressed Al Jazeera&rsquo;s appreciation of such a partnership that will reflect positively on Jordanian journalists, adding that the center hoped to expand this initiative to include other countries. He added that the agreement to exchange expertise will serve both institutions&rsquo; objectives.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Mr. Daymi said that AJTC trained more than 6,500 journalists and public relations officers in 2014, of whom 50% were Al Jazeera staff. However, the high cost of training made it difficult for Arab journalists to enroll in their training programs. Therefore, he added the center decided to reach out to most Arab countries instead.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;