Projects 2016

The project aimed to collect and classify American journalist Lowell Thomas’ images of the Great Arab Revolt currently at the Marist College Archives & Special Collections in the U.S., articles on the revolt published in the American press coverage of the Great Arab Revolt.
A cooperation agreement was signed with the Norwegian Institute of Journalism in 2012 for culture and expertise exchange by implementing several activities to support the media sector and training.
The project aimed to collect, document and preserve the political memory of the Great Arab Revolt as reflected in the Arab press during the first quarter of the twentieth century. It further aimed to raise political and social awareness on the values of the Arab Revolt and offer a new perspective.
The aim of the project is to spread the culture of accountability among media outlets, journalists and society and to promote the culture of quality journalism by continuously improving the profession’s inputs and outputs. It also seeks to contribute toward raising the performance of local media outlets by providing a professional and academic platform to verify news items.
The project aims to promote the concepts of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) at three levels: public policies, higher education institutions and schools.
The project aimed to facilitate progress in the MENA region’s media reform process by empowering decision makers, media regulators, audio-visual broadcast commissions and leaders of journalist unions to access knowledge and expertise.
The project aimed to determine media compliance with electoral laws and regulations, as well as adherence to professional ethics during the elections. It also sought to monitor media commitment to fulfilling the public’s right to know about the electoral process and provide platforms for honest discussion, as well as the media’s educational role in identifying the main issues in its election coverage.
The project aimed to develop and enhance the skills of staff and volunteers in the target radio stations to produce programs of interest to the local community that are in line with principles of radio journalism efforts to instill democratic values and community engagement.
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