JMI to launch media professionalism report

31 Dec 2015
<strong>30 December 2015</strong><br /> <br /> Based on Jordanian Media Credibility Monitor &ldquo;Akeed&rdquo; standards, the Jordan Media Institute (JMI) announced preparations to launch an annual report on the status of media professionalism relative to Jordanian media outlets. The first report is scheduled for release in April 2016, and covers the status of media professionalism in 2015 measured in reference to how credible and trustworthy the material is.<br /> <br /> JMI&rsquo;s Dean, Dr. Basim Tweissi, explained that this report aims at improving the professional performance of media outlets, as well as increasing the trust Jordanians place in media through monitoring and evaluating the content these outlets produce on the basis of professional and scientific criteria. The report, he added, will assist media outlets to better detect and avoid existing imbalances thereby enhancing future performance.<br /> <br /> Tweissi noted that a team of experts set the methodology for preparing the report, while another made up of JMI&rsquo;s Media Research Unit and Akeed has already started working on the actual studies to be featured in the report. The report will include content analysis of various samples with the object of revealing their professional characteristics in the context of credibility standards. It will also include studies on the Jordanian society&rsquo;s attitude regarding the level of professionalism and quality of content displayed by media outlets, which will serve as an indicator of how much trust the public has in these outlets.&nbsp; The report will also analyze media trends during 2015 from a professional and scientific perspective.<br /> <br /> JMI&rsquo;s Media Research Unit was launched in 2014, and is the first unit specializing in media research in higher education institutions in Jordan.