Online Journalism Expert Holds Master Class at JMI

28 Jan 2016
<strong>28 January 2016</strong><br /> <br /> Philippe Laloux, digital chief editor of the French-speaking Brussels-based newspaper Le Soir, gave a master class to JMI students on newsroom management and challenges in the digital era.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Laloux, who is also an expert in online journalism and digital transition in the newsrooms, began the session by reviewing the development of the internet since its invention and noted that the demand for information is not in crisis, but rather the supply. He added that in order for journalists to be competitive and capture the readers&rsquo; attention, they must give the best information, at the best time, in the best format and through the best medium<br /> <br /> The development in technology requires journalists to adopt a different approach in their work, he stressed. He explained to the students the different tools they can use to share their stories and the variety of applications that are available. However, he stressed that the format is only a decorative tool, and what matters most to the end users is content. Social media are tools to spread the story and journalists should take advantage of the traffic there to share their story as long as they ensure the information is right. The information must be user-centric. Let&rsquo;s not write for the web, or the boss, or the brand or the political system; let&rsquo;s write for the people.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> He later answered students&rsquo; questions warning that if journalists don&rsquo;t change their approach and assume that people are passive recipients then they will lose the profession and cause its end.<br /> <br /> Laloux&rsquo;s visit to JMI was organized with the support of France&rsquo;s CFI for media cooperation.&nbsp;