MA Thesis on Arabic Press Coverage of Syrian Crisis at JMI

25 Feb 2017
(Jordan Media Institute) -- An analytical study titled &quot;Coverage of Arabic Daily Press of the Syrian Crisis&quot; has concluded that there is a clear variation in the coverage of Arabic newspapers, which are included in the study sample, of the events of the Syrian crisis in line with the editorial policies of each newspaper. The study, conducted by Reem Qatami and debated at the Jordan Media Institute (JMI) for the purpose of receiving the MA degree, said that there is a variation between the topics that the newspapers focused on based on the editorial policy and the agenda of each newspaper. It indicated that the question of &quot;Syrian refugees and refugee camps in host countries&quot; was repeated the most, while the question of &quot;Syrian military interactions&quot; was the least repeated.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The study, which was supervised by Dr. Jean Karam, professor of journalism and media at the JMI, pointed out that news items constituted the larger part of the press material on the Syrian crisis in the three newspapers that are the sample of the study. This is in line with the editorial policy of each newspaper. It said that each newspaper depended more on its correspondents to report on developments in the Syrian crisis out of their keenness on reflecting their own agenda in the published material in line with their editorial policy and political agenda. It indicated that the larger part of the published material in the newspapers that are the sample of the study had a neutral trend since it consists of news items, and not opinion pieces.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The study, which included the Jordanian newspaper Al Ghad, the Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar, and the London-based Al Quds Al Arabi, between 1 April and 1 October 2015, recommended a comprehensive view of the Syrian crisis so that it will be covered from all angles to include the humanitarian, economic, and social dimensions.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The study called for using all journalistic arts and formats in handling and covering the subject so that it will not be confined to news reports and news and it will include features and press interviews as well in view of the importance of these journalistic formats in reporting on developments in the Syrian crisis and its analyses.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;