Lecture at JMI on Youth, Peace and Security

15 Apr 2017
Dr. Ma&#39;en Shamaila, researcher in youth affairs, said that United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 2250 on &quot;Youth, Peace, and Security,&quot; issued on 9 December 2015 when Jordan was president of the Security Council, came in response to the call by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II for promoting youth participation in building security and peace and adopting initiatives and policies that embrace youth, contribute toward a better future for them, and devote their energies and capacities to the establishment of peace, security, and stability worldwide.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> In a lecture he delivered at the Jordan Media Institute (JMI), moderated by JMI Dean Dr. Basim Tweissi, Dr. Shamaila added that the Security Council resolution was the first resolution in the history of the Security Council that focused on the role of youth in peace and security. The resolution was based on the content of the Amman Declaration on Youth, Peace and Security issued by the Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security, held in Amman in August 2015. More than 500 young people from all over the world contributed to its drafting.&nbsp; Jordan adopted it at the Security Council.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The founder of the initiative &quot;2250, Youth, Security and Peace in Jordan&quot; said that the resolution was the fruit of Jordan&#39;s continuing efforts over the past years to highlight the role of youth and the importance of their participation as a key element, which is both positive and effective, in making permanent peace.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Shamaila, who is a member of an international youth network for countering extremism and violence, said that this historic resolution aimed at establishing a new phase in the life of youth between the ages of 18 and 29 through integrating them as a main partner into building permanent peace, countering extremism, renouncing violence, and promoting peace in the world. This resolution will be used to help focus on sustainable development goals.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The resolution urges member states of the Security Council to develop the necessary mechanisms to ensure the positive participation of youth in all fields, chiefly active participation in the decision-making process. It also calls on all member states and the parties involved in disputes to adopt the necessary measures to provide protection for civilians, especially youth, in line with their commitments under international law, the Geneva conventions, and other relevant conventions.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> He noted that the key headline of the resolution was &quot;maintaining world peace and security,&quot; which is a clear reference to Article 39 of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, according to which all Security Council resolutions are considered binding on the member states of the United Nations.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> He noted that Resolution 2250 includes five main themes, one of which is participation. It urges member states to consider ways to increase inclusive representation of youth in decision-making at all levels in local and national institutions and to consider establishing integrated mechanisms for the meaningful participation of youth in peace-building processes.<br /> <br /> It is worth noting that the JMI has started receiving applications for the MA program in Journalism and New Media for the year 2017/2018 until 6 July.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> For more information, please visit the website of the JMI <a href="http://www.jmi.edu.jo">www.jmi.edu.jo</a> or call the following numbers + <a href="tel:962%206%205713304">962 6 5713304</a>/6&nbsp;<br /> <br /> &nbsp;