Secretary Says CTBT One of the Best International Treaties and Has Contributed to World Stability

12 Nov 2017
<strong>13 Nov. 2017&nbsp;</strong><br /> <br /> Amman- Lassina Zerbo, executive secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), said that the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) is important for world peace and should enter into force as soon as possible. He indicated that the existence of the CTBT in itself is a success story and that it is one of the best international treaties.<br /> <br /> Speaking in a lecture at the Jordan Media Institute (JMI) on the CTBT, Zerbo called for benefiting from the stability that Jordan enjoys to achieve stability in the region and the world. He indicated that the Jordanian nuclear reactor is peaceful and complies with international standards in this connection. He added that the Kingdom contributed to building the verification regime of the CTBT.<br /> <br /> On the CTBT, Zerbo pointed out that it was signed by 182 states, including 166 that have ratified it. There are 44 states that possess nuclear weapons, 36 of which signed the CTBT, while eight have not signed it. The eight countries are the United States, China, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Israel, North Korea, and Iran.<br /> <br /> Zerbo said that the existence of the CTBT is necessary for world peace. It deserves to enter into force quickly. He explained that the nuclear deal with Iran is an important step to establish peace in the Middle East.<br /> <br /> Zerbo urged Israel to ratify the CTBT. He said that the region needs steps to achieve peace, adding that the Middle East is the key to world stability. He indicated that this part of the world is sacred for the three heavenly religions. It must not continue to experience wars forever.<br /> <br /> The executive secretary of the CTBT lauded the achievements of the treaty so far. Since the beginning of the century, no country has conducted nuclear tests with the exception of six tests by North Korea. He pointed out that it is the best treaty in the modern age as it offers reliable information and brings together 182 states that all work together to make the treaty enter into force.<br /> <br /> Regarding the open media space, Zerbo said that fake news is destroying our world today. Journalists must think of the receiver before publishing any news and must provide accurate and correct information. He pointed out that the media has a great role in achieving the noble objective of the treaty.<br /> <br /> An interactive discussion between the lecturer and the JMI students followed. Zerbo said that a country like North Korea is closed and it is difficult to know what is happening there. This makes the international community very careful in dealing with it. Remote monitoring will not give the true picture of Korean nuclear tests. He recalled how there was exaggeration about Iraq&#39;s possession of weapons of mass destruction in 2003 and the events that followed at the time.<br /> <br /> On the possibility of nuclear disarmament, Zerbo expressed optimism about this despite the difficulty of the mission. He said that it can be achieved if there is a collective will to disarm and bring peace and stability to the region and the world.<br /> <br /> The CTBTO was set up in 1996 in Vienna. The treaty was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and signed by 182 states. Meanwhile, 155 states have ratified it, including three nuclear states; namely, Russia, Britain, and France.&nbsp;