MA Thesis: 75% of Staff of Digital Media Aware of Freedom of Criticism

13 Nov 2017
14 Nov. 2017&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Amman- An MA thesis debated at the Jordan Media Institute has concluded that 75% of journalists and staff in digital media are aware of freedom of criticism and the oversight role related to it. Meanwhile, 46% of them said that they do not accept the detention of journalists based on Article 11 of the Cyber Crime Law (2015).<br /> <br /> The study, submitted by Arwa Azaizeh, was titled &quot;Effect of Cyber Crime Law on Practicing Freedom of Criticism by Journalists and Staff of Digital Media.&quot; It aimed at discovering the effect of Jordanian Cyber Crime Law No. 27 of 2015 on press freedom and the extent of practice of freedom of criticism in digital media, manifested in websites and social media sites. The study sample included 150 journalists and staffers of the websites of traditional media and news websites, as well as a number of activists on social media sites.<br /> <br /> The debate committee comprised Dr. Sakher Khasawneh as supervisor and Professor Basim Tweissi, Dr. Jean Karam, and Dr. Sabri Rbeihat.&nbsp;