To enhance the awareness, knowledge, and understanding of freedoms of media and expression among fresh graduates of journalism and young media professionals.
Project Description:
The project is divided into 4 components:
- Training on critical thinking and verification skills using digital media tools for 30 young journalists whose experience does not exceed five years
- Production of in-depth media content on public sector accountability and freedom of expression for 25 students at the Masters of Journalism and New Media program at Jordan Media Institute. Participants will produce six 8-10-minute videos on public accountability.
- Production of 3 reports that monitor freedom of the internet and digital media
- Exchange program for 10 students and one supervisor to spend six days in Norway to visit several public institutions and get briefed on the role of the media and local democracy
Project Outcomes:
Enhancing the awareness, knowledge, and understanding of freedoms of media and expression among fresh graduates of journalism and young media professionals. The Jordan Media Institute will support these journalists with skills in critical thinking, verification, and innovation as well as legislative and regulatory knowledge. In order to ensure sustainability, JMI will also help journalists acquire skills to create digital content that promotes freedoms and public accountability. And implement awareness campaigns and advocate for promoting critical thinking skills and accountability and freedoms in digital content.
Fresh graduates of journalism and young professionals in the field of media.