Jordan Media Institute – Amman
The Jordan Media Institute has begun training sessions on “mobile journalism,” a form of new media that uses smartphones to tell stories. Participants in the training, which takes place over Zoom, are students in media programs at universities in Jordan and abroad.
The training is associated with the project entitled, “Developing the skills of a new generation of journalists in Jordan with the goal of supporting freedom of the press and freedom of expression,” which is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It comprises several key units, including: making video using mobile phones, crafting a news story for television, basics of photography and understanding mobile phone camera settings, and introduction to montage. The last unit, introduction to montage, delves into the difference between montage on a mobile phone and a montage on a computer.
Mouthana Al-Mahdawi, who leads the training, says that the importance of mobile journalism, also known as “MOJO,” lies in its ability to keep up with the fast pace of news and information in the current era, especially as digital media technologies continue to develop. It can be faster and safer, compared to traditional journalism, especially in situations where the reporter is in the field is witnessing sensitive events and putting themselves in danger.
Al-Mahwadi went on to say that “MOJO” allows journalists to use their mobile phones to quickly record events as they occur, edit the video clip, and send it to the newsroom. It also allows them to cover press conferences. “MOJO” is notable for its use of tools that are not considered expensive, compared to the equipment that journalists working in traditional media require.
It is worth mentioning that the Jordan Media Institute has begun receiving applications to its Masters program in Journalism and New Media for the academic year 2021/2022, and will continue to accept applications until the first of July, 2021.
For more information, please visit the institute’s website www.jmi.edu.jo or call 06/ 0096265713304