​JMI Holds Seminar on Importance of Reporting Cases of Violence

22 Apr 2018
21 Apr. 2018&nbsp;<br /> Amman- The Jordan Media Institute (JMI), with the support of the United Nations Children&#39;s Fund (UNICEF), held a seminar on &quot;the Role of Media in Raising Awareness of Importance of Reporting Cases of Physical Violence Against Children.&quot;<br /> <br /> The seminar aims at increasing press coverage of children&#39;s issues and protecting them from violence to promote the best interest of the child in line with professional standards and media ethics. It also aims at explaining new concepts in laws in relation to children, including &quot;protecting witnesses and those who report cases of violence against children.&quot;<br /> <br /> Judge Suheir Toubasi spoke about amendments to the Juveniles Law, which included protecting witnesses and persons who report these cases and giving them the option of hiding their identity so that only the judge will know it to complete the measures of verification. She said that the law approved fines for those who fail to report these cases if they are service provides (such as doctors, nurses, teachers, and social centers).<br /> <br /> Dr. Muntaha Harasis, who specializes in child protection and domestic violence, said that failure to report cases of violence is due to several reasons, including the fact that some people consider cases of violence against children to be a domestic family affair or part of bringing up and disciplining the child. On the other hand, some people fear the family of the victim and actions and threats by them.<br /> <br /> A number of journalists from several media establishments took part in the seminar, in addition to a group of schoolchildren taking part in school initiatives to prevent violence against children. Also, youths from the University of Science and Technology attended the seminar. The university students had launched an initiative calling for activating the draft of the rights of the child, which has not been implemented since 1994.<br /> <br /> This seminar is part of activities that are meant to raise media awareness of issues of violence against children held by the JMI within its project on &quot;enhancing the quality of reporting on child rights and protection in Jordan,&quot; which is being implemented in collaboration with UNICEF.