​JMI, HPC Hold 'Media Advocacy Planning' Follow-Up Workshop

03 May 2018
1 May 2018&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Amman- The Jordan Media Institute (JMI), in collaboration with the Higher Population Council (HPC), held a follow-up training workshop on &#39;Media Advocacy Planning for Population Issues.&#39; The participants presented their journalistic work based on the trainings that they received in the previous workshop.<br /> <br /> Fifteen journalists who produced a number of radio, television, and written pieces took part in the workshop. The pieces focused on population policies and challenges facing Jordanian society, the demographic opportunity, the impact of population growth on development and population studies, as well as the impact of refugees on society.<br /> <br /> Trainer Ziad Ruba&#39;e evaluated the work presented by the participants. He noted that &quot;the reports were very good. They addressed most population dimensions that were the subject of training in the previous workshop.&quot; He added that what distinguishes this workshop is that it discussed and evaluated the media items, whether news stories, features, or interviews, that were produced and published by the participants. This was not confined to theoretical training. &quot;We gave feedback, highlighted positive aspects, and sought to avoid negative aspects in the work that will be produced by journalists and published later.&quot;<br /> <br /> Razan Majali, a journalist from Al Rai, said that she learned more about numerous population terms and creative ideas for producing journalistic pieces. This has reflected positively on the press reports that she produced after taking part in the workshop.<br /> <br /> The workshop is one of several held by the JMI and HPC to train journalists on skills that would help them cover population issues to make such issues appealing. This includes using infographics and cartoons in press reports on population issues, introducing news stories, and others.