​JMI Implements 'Training Diploma in TV Production' With Bahraini Ministry of Information Affairs

04 Dec 2017
<strong>4 Dec. 2017&nbsp;</strong><br /> <br /> Amman - As part of the plans and strategy of the Jordan Media Institute (JMI) to contribute to the training of various local and Arab media establishments, the JMI implemented a &quot;Training Diploma in TV Production&quot; over the course of two months in the Bahraini capital, Manama, in cooperation with the Bahraini Ministry of Information Affairs.<br /> <br /> JMI Dean Professor Basim Tweissi said that 60 Bahraini young men and women, who are fresh media graduates, took part in the training, which aimed at developing their skills in TV production. The training service was designed to meet the needs of the participants in line with the quality standards of the JMI that combine theory and application in the program. He pointed out that the JMI is committed to its values and principles of supporting professional work and quality and seeking to improve the performance of the media in Jordan and the Arab world.<br /> <br /> The training program focused on TV production skills, including 12 topics, such as news writing, producing feature stories and documentaries, filming, editing using Premiere Pro and After Effects, lighting, and color correction.<br /> <br /> The program was divided into four parts, which included a theoretical stage, practical exercises, production of TV programs, and finally closing gaps and evaluation.<br /> <br /> Nihad Jariri, director of the project at JMI, said that the training diploma program was implemented by 10 competent Jordanian trainers who have different media specializations. The trainers developed the ideas of the participants and helped them implement these ideas on the ground. This was evident in the success of the project and the evaluation of the participants of its great benefits. The productions by the participants were different from the traditional method of producing TV programs for state-run channels.<br /> <br /> At the end of the project, the participants produced TV station identification segments, a documentary, four short video stories, and a morning show containing news summary and live interviews.&nbsp;