Project: Enhancing the Quality of Reporting on Child Rights and Child Protection Issues in Jordan



The project aimed to train journalists to cover child rights and protection issues and provide them with a platform to find the correct information to write stories that effect change in this sphere.

Project Description:

The project entailed:

  1. Creating a curriculum for university students on how to write human rights-based reports to employ in JMI’s Master’s program.
  2. Training journalists on child rights-based reportage.
  3. Creating and activating a network of journalists specialized in covering child rights and protection.
  4. Launching an award on Child-issues journalism.

Project Outputs:


  1. Published the university curriculum “Media Coverage of Child’s Issues”.
  2. Formed a steering committee of journalism and media professional experts to oversee the project’s activities and propose mechanisms for operation.
  3. Established a “Makani” corner on the “AKEED” website with the necessary information for journalists covering child and protection issues. Makani is divided into the following sections:
  • Best practices in regional and international journalism on covering child rights and protection issues.
  • Jordanian laws and international treaties and conventions governing child rights and protection.
  • Local and international studies and reports on child rights and protection.
  • AKEED” reports on child rights and protection.
  • Best practices in Jordanian journalism on coverage of child rights and protection.
  • Names of experts and specialists in child rights and protection.
  • Newsletters. 
  1. Collecting and classifying the documents according to the above groups.
  2. Organizing 12 seminars for journalists to address various child rights issues, in which around 200 people attended.
  3. Implementing a series of training workshops to build the capacity of journalists on media coverage of child's issues, in which about (34) journalists from different governorates of the Kingdom benefited from.
  4. Organizing and launching “Child-Right Based Journalism Award – 2018”.