Project: Gender Issues Monitoring in Jordanian Media Outlets



Launched early in 2012, the two-year project aimed to monitor and analyze media content relevant to gender issues in the local press in order to instill awareness among journalists writing on this subject.

Project Description:

The project entailed:

  1. Monitoring and analyzing coverage of gender issues in daily newspapers and local radio stations, such as gender stereotypes, legislation, education, healthcare, human rights and media policies.
  2. Writing monthly reports on the results and analysis.

Project Outputs:

  1. Publishing monthly and annual reports on local media performance in covering women and gender issues.
  2. Organizing a series of workshops to present the results and analyses.
  3. Preparing a booklet listing a number of websites, the nature of gender topics and how they are covered. Additionally, drafting specific recommendations and proposals on a number of terms to be avoided when covering gender issues, which are useful for journalists, researchers and civil society organizations alike.