Empowering young people to deal with media and information sources, supporting self-expression abilities and enhancing their sense of identity, engagement and loyalty to society. It also sought to equip young Jordanians with basic skills in media literacy and develop balanced attitudes in dealing with information and news sources that take general values and human rights into account.
Project Description:
The project entailed:
- Preparing educational and training curricula for three extracurricular activities targeting young Jordanian.
- Formulating training plans and holding workshops to educate young people from the Kingdom’s governorates.
Project Outputs:
- Creating an educational and training curriculum entitled “Media and Information Literacy: Guidebook on Understanding Modern Media and Communications”.
- Creating an educational and training curriculum entitled “Media and Information Literacy: News Literacy Guidebook”.
- Creating an educational and training curriculum entitled “Media and Information Literacy: Digital Media Literacy Guidebook”.
- Implementing 22 training workshops for the 16-25 age group in the governorates.
- 440 young males and females benefited from the training workshops.