“Akeed” the Jordanian Credibility Monitor, the only internationally reliable Fact Checking website in the Arabic Language

10 Apr 2019

“Akeed” the Jordanian credibility monitor was listed in the Fact-Checking Duke Reporters’ Lab which maintains a database of global fact-checking sites in 55 countries. No other Arabic Language website was listed among the 161 international websites in the database. The list seeks to categorize fact-checking websites on basis of scientific, professional and ethical criteria.

The Fact-Checking Duke Reporters’ Lab  is a media research center at Stanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. Its core projects focus on fact-checking and occasional research about trust in the news media. As for “Akeed Media Monitor”, it is run by JMI-Jordan Media Institute and was launched five years ago with the support of the King Abdullah Fund for Development.

Dr. Basim Tweissi, JMI’s dean said:  “the reason for including  Akeed   in the database is its pioneering work in the region. JMI’s Akeed was developed on basis of advanced criteria for the Arabic language for news verification as well as a clear framework of reference of moral and ethical issues. Its independence as well as resistance to pressure from official and private interest groups, its commitment to published editorial policy by a competent team,  qualified scientifically any professionally.”

Dr. Basim Tweissi added that the Fact-Check  website will continue to perform its role in the fulfillment  of citizens’ rights and access to accurate information and to support media at large to improve the quality of its content and enhance its professional standard. He also said: “ fact-checking of news plays an important role globally in the face of the damaging use of social media and its deployment in serving political and religious groups.”

It is worth noting that JMI- Jordan Media Institute was awarded the UNESCO-led Global Alliance on Media and Information Literacy – GAPMIL Award 2018
