CNN Analyst Ali Younis Addresses JMI Students

25 Mar 2015
&nbsp;March&nbsp;<span style="line-height:20.7999992370605px">25,&nbsp;</span>2015<br /> <br /> CNN analyst and investigative reporter at the Guardian Newspaper Mr. Ali Younis, addressed Master&rsquo;s degree students at Jordan Media Institute on Wednesday, March&nbsp;<span style="line-height:20.7999992370605px">25,&nbsp;</span>2015. Younis shared his 30-year career in journalism.<br /> <br /> He explained the bases of professional journalism that include research, investigation and fact checking through various sources. Younis outlined several opportunities to research and investigate issues in the Arab region, noting he had written many investigative reports in the Arab region and Jordan in particular, and had managed to acquire access to necessary sources.<br /> <br /> He urged the students to be bold and critical in their work as journalists and emphasized the importance of research, knowledge and access to sources.&nbsp;