Four Jordan Media Institute Graduates Receive Scholarships in India

06 Dec 2015
6 December 2015<br /> <br /> Four female graduates of the Jordan Media Institute (JMI) will travel to New Delhi next month to attend the Development Journalism Diploma Course at the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC). The four-month scholarship is part of a joint cooperation program between the two institutes.<br /> <br /> The course is aimed at meeting the training needs of journalists and communication professionals. It includes theoretical and practical work and visits to development oriented NGOs. The courses tackle child rights, gender, environment, trade, health, foreign policy and press freedom issues. The journalists are expected to produce a print journal at the end of the course.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> JMI graduates Aya Khawaldeh, Ameera Mubarak, Mushira Al Zyoud, and Rawan Al Hadeed, received the scholarships after a competitive process for the program&rsquo;s 30 seats.<br /> <br /> The scholarship is part of JMI&rsquo;s efforts to provide training and internship opportunities for its students inside Jordan and abroad including regional states as well as Norway, Sweden and Austria.<br /> &nbsp;