Interfaith dialogue and media role in promoting tolerance: a lecture at Jordan Media Institute

12 Dec 2012
Amman Wednesday 12 December 2012 Professor Mohammed Abu Nimer, Director of Peace building and Development Institute at the American University School of International Services in Washington, talked yesterday to MA students at the Jordan Media Institute JMI about interfaith dialogue and the role media practices in promoting tolerance. Dr. Abu-Nimer highlighted the conditions in which he started his efforts towards explaining Arab and Islamic culture to the public in the United States through dialogue after the 11 September events. Stating that he has taken similar efforts in the Arab region where there is a very limited number of people pursuing such a dialogue “The majority of them are driven by personal believes and strength to promote this kind of dialogue and their efforts are in many cases marginalized” Professor Abu Nimer said, adding that differences are seen as a problem in most parts of the world. On media coverage related to conflict driven by differing ideologies, ethnic and religious backgrounds, Professor Abu Nimer highlighted the importance for journalist to be familiar with the conflict in terms of analysis and understanding, and their obligation to report professionally and objectively on such conflict by recognizing any affiliation they might have to one of the parties to the conflict. According to Dr. Abu Nimer, Journalists must always look at mechanisms that could highlight the positive and constructive dialogue through their reporting. Dr. Abu-Nimer has conducted interreligious conflict resolution trainings and interfaith dialogue workshops in conflict areas around the world, including Egypt, Northern Ireland, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Palestine. This lecture is part of a series of lectures held by the JMI for MA students to provide them with the opportunity to listen to experts’ testimonies in different fields