JMI and University of Westminster Sign MOU

03 Sep 2018

Jordan Media Institute (JMI) and the University of Westminster concluded a memorandum of Understanding aimed at creating educational and academic opportunities and strengthening relations between the two sides. 

Under the three-year agreement, various projects and academic and scientific activities will be jointly developed including workshops, seminars, lectures, and student exchange programs. 

JMI Dean Dr. Bassim Tweissi said the arrangement is in line with the JMI plan to expand its academic network with similar research and educational institutes around the world. 

On another front, students from the University of Westminster and the University of Babylon paid a visit to JMI to learn about the various services provided in the area of journalism and media. They also toured the institute’s facilities, including the radio and TV studios and the newsrooms that embrace modern technologies and where theories are put into practice. 

Director of Training Mr. Yassar Durra briefed the students about the institute and the academic and training opportunities offered.
