JMI Announces Receiving Applications for Participation in Training on Population Press

06 Nov 2016
&nbsp;<br /> The Jordan Media Institute (JMI) has announced that it started receiving applications for participation in a program to train journalists on press specialized in writing and research on population issues and policies, as well as the importance of depending on statistical data in analyzing and monitoring population trends. This would contribute to economic, educational, health, and social planning to ensure the welfare and happiness of future generations in light of the changes the world is experiencing.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Participants must be working with a press establishment that is involved in different fields, including printed, audiovisual, and electronic press. They must also have experience in writing about these issues through the production of diverse press material related to population, population policies, demographic opportunity, and reproductive health. &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The program includes two workshops. The first aims at training journalists on advocacy skills concerning population issues and policies through the press and developing a plan of action for six months for each journalist to work on population issues The second workshop will be held two months after the first workshop and will seek to present and evaluate the press material produced and published by the participants in the workshop.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The training program is implemented by JMI in cooperation with Tawasol, Jordan Communication, Advocacy and Policy Project (JCAP), which is funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID). &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> A copy of the application, which can be obtained electronically through the link to the news item on JMI website, is to be sent to