JMI Announces Winners of Human Rights Reporting Award

01 Oct 2015
30 September 2015<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Jordan Media Institute (JMI) will announce the winners of the Human Rights Reporting Award at a ceremony on Thursday, 1 October 2015. Journalists from print and online media submitted reports focusing on the rights of children, women and refugees, as well as economic rights, human trafficking and others.<br /> <br /> The award aimed at strengthening the media sector and expanding public dialogue on human rights. It also sought to expand the skills of journalists and journalism students in human rights reporting and data journalism. The two winners will receive media equipment worth $1,000.<br /> <br /> The effort was the culmination of a two-year partnership between JMI and Canada&rsquo;s Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) under the project &ldquo;Expanding Public Dialogue on Human Rights Issues&rdquo; which is supported by the U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative and the United Nations Democracy Fund. &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> JMI Dean, Dr. Basim Tweissi said that through the project with JHR, 15 workshops were organized on human rights reporting and the use of data journalism tools to run major investigations on human rights issues. He added that more than 200 journalists, journalism students and representatives of civil society participated in the workshops.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Journalists were invited to submit one or a collection of stories from Jordanian print and online media that highlight a human rights issue of their concern. Stories must have been published in either Arabic or English during the period from 1 August 2014 through 7 September 2015.<br /> <br /> The criteria of evaluation was based on the degree&nbsp;of difficulty in obtaining content, effective use of news outlet including clarity and narrative, the breadth and scope of research undertaken, the degree of change or action created from news coverage, and supporting material and resources used including creativity, originality and innovative reporting tools, such as data journalism.<br /> <br /> &nbsp;