JMI Conducts Training Programs in Mauritania

27 Mar 2017
Amman -- The Jordan Media Institute (JMI) conducted a training workshop in the Mauritanian capital, Nouakchott, on media skills and issues of migrant workers, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration in Mauritania, with funding from the EU.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The workshop, in which 21 Mauritanian media persons, including eight ladies, took part, aimed at enhancing the skills of journalists and media persons in Mauritania to prepare and write specialized reports on the situation of Mauritanian migrant workers in order to improve migration policies, manage the regulation of the sector of migrant workers, and help governments combat human trafficking.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The four-day workshop included an introduction about the international legal framework of conventions and rights related to migrant workers and the violations they are facing. In addition, the participants were taught numerous journalistic skills, including: Journalistic arts, media ethics, how to use social media sites, how to plan for press writing, using terms and utilizing relevant statistics, how to use press techniques in the field of media coverage, questions through which journalists can write a press story, and other skills.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The training highlighted the occupational safety conditions for migrant workers and human trafficking in Mauritania, which has acceded to the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families of 1990.&nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> <br /> Journalist Moulay Ali described the training as fruitful in terms of form and content and in relation to ethics of the profession in press coverage, particularly when covering issues of migrant workers. Also, working groups and exercises related to writing news stories and reports were useful.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> As for journalist Hayat, she said that the training enabled her to know the right method of writing news and preparing news stories and reports. She also learned about the skills of dealing with numbers and statistics and the need for including them in covering the issues of migrant workers.<br /> <br /> The JMI conducts training on enhancing media skills on the local and regional levels. It has held many training workshops on various press and media issues. The JMI also hosts students from various Arab states to join the MA program of Journalism and New Media, which it offers in cooperation with the University of Jordan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <br /> &nbsp;