JMI Conducts Training Programs in Mauritania, Algeria

25 Apr 2018
24 Apr. 2018&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Amman - The Jordan Media Institute (JMI) conducted a workshop on media skills and issues of migrant workers in Nouadhibou, economic capital of Mauritania, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM).<br /> <br /> Twenty-five Mauritanian media persons, including seven women, took part in the workshop, which aimed at enhancing the skills of journalists and media people in Mauritania on the preparation and writing of specialized reports on the situation of Mauritanian migrant workers. This is meant to improve migration policies, manage the regulation of the sector of migrant workers, and help governments combat human trafficking and modern slavery practices.<br /> <br /> The three-day workshop introduced the international legal framework of the conventions and rights related to migrant workers and the violations they are facing. It sought to give the participants numerous journalistic skills to utilize them on the issues of migrants.<br /> <br /> The JMI also conducted training programs in Algeria on media coverage of &quot;protecting children before and during their conflict with the law,&quot; in collaboration with the Algerian National Authority for the Protection and Promotion of Childhood and Penal Reform International.<br /> <br /> The JMI holds training workshops to enhance media capacities on the local and regional levels. It has conducted many workshops and courses on various journalistic and media issues. It also receives students from Arab countries in the MA program of Journalism and New Media, which it offers in collaboration with the University of Jordan.<br /> <br /> It is to be noted that the JMI has started receiving applications for the MA program of Journalism and New Media for 2018/2019. It will continue to receive applications until 6 July. For more information, please visit the JMI website,, or call the following numbers: + 962 6 5713304/6.<br /> &nbsp;