
16 Oct 2018
9 Oct. 2018 <br />
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<span dir="LTR">ِAmman - Jordan Media Institute (JMI) held its first graduate forum aimed to enhance communication between graduates and the Institute and build on lessons learned.</span><br />
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<span dir="LTR">HRH Princess Reem Ali, the founder of the Institute, said the chief goal of the JMI is to produce professional journalists who should seek truth and report it in an unbiased and even-handed manner. She added that feedback from graduates on their experiences as students and at work, will be considered in JMI’s future plans.</span><br />
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<span dir="LTR">JMI Dean Dr. Basim Twaisi told the meeting that, in addition to offering MA degrees, the Institute held 236 training programs with the number of trainees exceeding 6,000. </span><br />
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<span dir="LTR">He added that the JMI plans to add new areas of specialization to its MA program in the next four years, restructure operations, and looks forward to excelling as an educational, research, and training institute. </span><br />
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<span dir="LTR">A total of 216 students have graduated from the JMI – nine batches thus far. Statistics show that JMI graduates enjoy high competitiveness in the labor market, with those who succeeded in finding job opportunities exceeding 93%.</span><br />
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<span dir="LTR">On the sidelines of the forum, it was announced that plans are underway to set up JMI alumni club, envisioned to become an independent entity that contributes to enhancing graduate capacity and skills. It also aims to complement JMI efforts aimed at enabling media professionals to explore and use modern tools, in addition to building a graduate database.</span><br />
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<span dir="LTR">Graduates voiced hopes to be part of JMI future plans and activities, including training and capacity building courses. </span>