JMI Launches First Child Rights Media Awards

20 Oct 2015
20 October 2015<br /> Jordan Media Institute (JMI) announced the launch of Jordan&rsquo;s first Child Rights Media Awards in cooperation with UNICEF and the European Union. The theme for 2015 is &ldquo;Learning for all&rdquo;. &nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> The award will recognize the critical contribution of the media sector and specific individual work in reporting on children&rsquo;s issues as well as highlight the importance of quality and inclusive education. With millions of children affected by conflict in the region, the importance of ensuring that all children have the right to education is ever more critical.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The 2015 awards will also encourage more in depth, informed and engaging stories about education in Jordan. The judging panel will also be looking for &lsquo;character-led&rsquo; stories that include the voices of children and those directly affected. The judges also encourage story submissions that reflect individual initiatives that promote learning for all, as well as inclusive education.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> The awards are open for print and online written media. The winning three best stories should be 700 and 1,000 words long and had been published between 2014 and 2015 or new articles for publication. The entries can be in Arabic or English and should be submitted by Sunday, 8 November 2015. All stories should be emailed to <a href=""></a> &nbsp;and must be submitted with a short biography of the journalist.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> This is the second media award by JMI. The institute announced in September the winners of the first Human Rights Media Award which was organized in cooperation with Journalists for Human Rights and the US-Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI).<br /> &nbsp;<br /> For More information: &nbsp;<a href=""></a><br /> &nbsp;<br /> <a href=""><span dir="LTR"></span></a><br /> &nbsp;