JMI Organizes Three Workshops on Radio and Television Skills and Techniques

01 May 2014
The Jordan Media Institute organized three training workshops on radio and television skills and techniques which brought together 42 Libyan trainees from different audio-visual and electronic media outlets. The two-week training programme included intensive theoretical and practical exercises, in addition to field visits to gain practical experience on the ground.<br /> <br /> The first workshop conducted by Dr. Hani Al Badri and titled &nbsp;&ldquo;Preparing and Presenting Television Programmes and Photo Caption Writing Skills&rdquo; aimed at introducing the aspects of television production, professional writing, news editing and preparing news releases. Dr. &nbsp;Al Badri talked extensively about the importance of conducting research, studies and surveys when preparing for this kind of programmes. The training also included practical exercises on talk shows, news programmes and television interviews that were held in JMI&rsquo;s studios.<br /> <br /> The 2<sup>nd</sup> workshop titled &ldquo;Radio and Television Techniques&rdquo; aimed at training the participants on the techniques of radio and television both theoretically and practically to expand their knowledge in those fields. Conducted by engineer Sufian Al Nabulsi, the workshop discussed work techniques and studio equipment and devices as well as performing practical exercises at JMI, Jordan Media City and Sawt Al Madenah Radio.<br /> <br /> In the &ldquo;Camera Operating and TV Directing Skills&rdquo; workshop, trainer Ahmad Kalimat outlined the new techniques of video shooting and its characteristics. The participants engaged in practical exercises and produced field reports that were carried out at different locations in &nbsp;Amman. In &nbsp;addition, extensive lectures were given on lighting, video editing and production techniques.<br /> <br /> On the other hand, the Jordan Media Institute announced the start of the admission process for the Master&rsquo;s programme in Journalism and New Media for the academic year 2014-2015. The admission process ends on July 6th 2014. For more information, please visit JMI&rsquo;s website or call&nbsp; +962 6 5713304/06