Jordan Media Institute – Amman
The Jordan Media Institute (JMI) has released a code of professional and ethical conduct aimed at combating hate speech among Jordanian media outlets. By signing this code of conduct, journalists, media personnel and representatives of various media institutions commit to adhering to professional standards and practices, in a bid to combat hate speech.
The need for this code of conduct became clear in light of the danger that is increasing spread of hate speech is posing on communal peace, as well as to the economic, social, political, and moral structures underpinning social unity.
While there is an urgent need to confront hate speech through different legal, legislative, and political means, media outlets can be at the forefront of these efforts on both a national and global level.
Hate speech refers to unethical practices that harm the public interest, whether in speech, drawing, photography, or any form of expression, and which serve to incite violence, discrimination, and ostracization of a particular group (or an individual belonging to that group) on the basis of its/their beliefs, race, religion, ancestry, gender, ethnic origin, or nationality.
The most significant component of this code of conduct obligates signatories to not publish or re-broadcast any material that contradicts basic values and rights, in line with international human rights standards. Jorunalists and media professionals must also refrain from using words, terms, photos, or drawings that would serve to degrade an individual or a group, or reinforce stereotypes about them.
The code of conduct was developed with support from the Hedayah Center and the European Union, and designates as hate speech anything that infringes on individual freedoms and private life. This definition also encompasses the use of discriminatory terms and forms of insinuation that defame individuals or specific social groups. Furthermore, under the code media outlets are committed to respecting the faiths and religous sentiments of all segments of Jordanian society.
The code also obligates media outlets to not publish or broadcast any content that incites violence and hatred, or provokes sectarian or racial animosity against a particular segment of society (or an individual therein). In addition, signatories commit to pursuing the highest levels of professionalism and ethics, including the principles of accuracy, credibility, impartiality, and integrity.
To participate in combating hate speech in Jordanian media, please sign the code of conduct at the following link: