Jordan Media Institute Announces Training Program for First Quarter

19 Jan 2016
<div style="text-align: justify;"><strong>19 January 2016</strong><br /> <br /> Jordan Media Institute (JMI) has announced its training program for the first quarter of this year to start in February. The program includes four workshops; Digital Journalism and Its New Applications, News Preparing and Editing Techniques, TV Reporting, in addition to Producing Short Films.<br /> <br /> The sessions target journalists working in Jordan and the region, academics of local and Arab universities, fresh graduates and undergraduates of journalism and media schools. Public relations and communication staff at public, private and civil society institutions can also benefit from the training.<br /> <br /> The institute constantly develops its training programs to respond to the needs of journalists and changes in the profession in Jordan and the Arab world, aiming to raise professional and ethical professionalism during these challenging times.<br /> <br /> On another note, JMI released its annual training report for 2015, where it states conducting 29 training programs, workshops, and discussion panels, with a percentage of 2.4 programs per month, in addition to other programs supervised by the Institute, the cultural exchange programs, and visits.<br /> <br /> Over 580 trainees from Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Oman, Tunisia, Algeria, and Saudi Arabia benefited from these programs.<br /> <br /> JMI&rsquo;s Dean, Dr. Basim Tweissi said that in 2015 training at JMI has witnessed evolvement on a regional level, where a training and capacity building agreement has been signed with&nbsp;Aljazeera Media Training and Development Center from Qatar, where two workshops were conducted through it, and other agreements with organizations from Oman and the UAE.<br /> <br /> The report also stated that the training programs were held in cooperation with eighteen Jordanian and international organizations, including UNESCO, UNICEF, Norwegian Institute of Journalism, Journalists for Human Rights, Reporters without Borders, Swedish Postcode Lottery Culture Foundation, International Federation of Journalists, International Committee of the Red Cross, and King Abdullah Fund for Development.<br /> <br /> Jordan Media Institute is considered to be the leading institutes in Jordan that provides media related workshops, aiming to improve the level of professional media performance in light of the events taking place in the world, with the rapid evolving technical development, and the vital role the media plays.</div>