Jordan Media Institute Celebrates the Graduation of its Second Intake of MA Students in Journalism and New Media

22 Nov 2011
Amman, 22 November 2011 Under the patronage of HRH Princess Rym Ali and in the presence of high-ranking officials, academics and media representatives, the second intake of MA students graduated today. Twenty students earned their Master’s degree in Journalism and New Media, after a one-year intensive program in Arabic. Princess Rym, founder of the Institute, along with Dr. Adel Tweissi, President of the University of Jordan to which JMI is affiliated, and Dr. Abeer Al-Najjar, Dean of JMI, handed the diplomas to the students. "The media scene is entering a revolutionary and unprecedented phase in the world of broadcast media, communication and news making, the role played by the media and its influence on communities and nations are crucial. This imposes a new level of requirements when it comes to media personnel " said H.E. Taher Al Adwan, who opened the ceremony, highlighting the importance of JMI’s role in empowering a new generation of writers and thinkers armed with knowledge and professionalism locally and regionally. Dr. Abeer Al-Najjar added: “ We cannot examine the global scene and the changes taking place in our world today without paying a special attention to the media. In particular, the news industry, its critical and important role played in helping individuals forming their identities and their social positions. As a result, we - at the JMI - believe that it is our duty to invest into education where journalists are trained to the highest professional standards”. During the past academic year, students were introduced to the application of new media tools, enhanced their writing skills and developed their reporting techniques, while adhering to high professional standards of ethics and objectivity, in addition to intensive field exercises. "This MA program highlighted for me how immense is the responsibility placed on us journalists when dealing with information, as what we report has a great impact on people’s lives. Over the past year, we have been listening to them and reporting on their concerns throughout the practical side of the program” said Khitam Amer, one of the graduates. A third batch of twenty students started their academic year in September 2011. As students of journalism, they could not have picked a more challenging time, during which the capacity to report objectively and analyze events rationally are constantly being put to test. Their in-depth study and exposure to a broad variety of disciplines will ensure that JMI’s students and graduates have an edge at the workplace The Jordan Media Institute is a non-for-profit organization. It started its activities in 2010, offering the best standards of journalistic practice with an emphasis on the traditional aspects of journalism such as writing and reporting, ethics and community issues. This, combined with new media courses, will enable JMI’s graduates to compete regionally and internationally.