Jordan Media Institute - Amman
The Jordan Media Institute completed new rounds of training for teachers from the Ministry of Education in Karak, Irbid, Jerash and Madaba. The training teaches basic skills in media and information literacy.
The training, which is in accordance with the national initiative to spread understanding of media and information literacy, consists of five core units: an introduction to media and information literacy; researching information and sources; news, fact-checking, and media ethics; images and photo-stories; and the internet and social media.
Israa Jamal, a teacher from Irbid district who participated in the training, said that the training materials were very helpful, and that the most important part of the course was learning about news sources and how to fact-check them. She praised the methods the trainers used to convey information in a way that was easy for participants to understand.
Muhammad Al-Murashida, a teacher from Madaba Qasaba district, said that the course changed the way he thinks about many things, by engaging detail-oriented critical thinking skills, and teaching him about media ethics. He added that the most important topic the course addressed was the technological reality of our present era, and how to confront the information revolution, for example through cybersecurity.
The project, which is in collaboration with Deutsche Welle’s “DW Akademie”, aims to build media and information literacy skills among teachers and students in public schools in Jordan.
Thirty teachers who have excelled at media and information literacy will be selected to receive further training. They will go on to lead workshops for school children in 2021.