Jordan Media Institute JMI Celebrates the Graduation of its Third Intake of MA Students in Journalism and New Media

17 Sep 2012
Amman, 17 September 2012 Under the patronage of HRH Princess Rym Ali and in the presence of high-ranking officials, academics and media representatives, the third intake of MA students graduated today. Twenty students earned their Master’s degree in Journalism and New Media, after a one-year intensive program in Arabic. Princess Rym, founder of the Institute, along with Professor Ekhlief Al-Tarawneh, President of the University of Jordan to which JMI is affiliated, and Dr. Abeer Al-Najjar, Dean of JMI, handed the diplomas to the students. “Freedom is a right; it is what we teach our students while we urge and train them to uphold the highest journalistic ethics in their work to protect this right” said Princess Rym Ali addressing the audience, adding that JMI is independent in its programs in coordination with the University of Jordan. “The commitment to professional and ethical reporting would lead to greater media freedoms in the Arab societies" said H.E. Ibrahim Izziddin in his speech addressing the graduates. He also highlighted the importance of their education at JMI that empowers them to face challenges in the media field. During the academic year at JMI, students were introduced to new media tools; they enhanced their writing skills and developed their reporting techniques, in addition to carrying out intensive field exercises. The new skills were taught in a learning environment that is able to create a practical working atmosphere for training and for testing new ideas and methodologies in which a highly competent team of academics and experts from Jordan, and the region teach at the institute. A Fourth intake of twenty students started their academic year last week, following their success in the various admission tests and interviews held at JMI.