Jordan Media Institute launches a website devoted to sharing the outcome of its project on monitoring and analyzing Gender Issues in the local media

02 Aug 2012
2nd Aug 2012 Based on the two-year project that was initiated by Jordan Media Institute JMI and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands at the end of 2011, a new website is launched to share the findings of the first phase of work. The team working on the project has been monitoring and analyzing gender issues in the Jordanian daily print media and radio stations covering topics related to gender issues and gender stereotyping, taking into consideration legislation and law, education, welfare, social affairs, culture, human rights and media policy. The analysis and findings integrated into the website would serve different educational and research purposes in addition to encouraging media professionals to be gender conscious when reporting “we are aiming at establishing a solid reference for journalists and researchers interested in exploring the Jordanian media in relation to gender issues” said Fadia Sleem, a member of the team working on the project , adding that findings could also be used by media and journalists in media advocacy workshops and trainings. The website will highlight positive examples of gender reporting to build on the genuine efforts by the media outlets to further promote women’s rights in Jordan and highlight their role in society. On the other hand it compiles examples of gender-bias news stories and provides an analysis while recommending alternate wording that would replace the pejorative nuances of the stories identified. It will also offer a platform for public discourse on current issues considering that the media plays an important role in shaping the diverse landscape of opinions in Jordan. Journalists and researchers interested in the project and its findings can consult directly the website