MA Thesis at JMI on Jordanian Press Reporting News Attributed to Anonymous Sources

18 Feb 2017
Amman, 16 February (Jordan Media Institute) -- A research study titled &quot;Jordan Press Reporting of News Attributed to Anonymous Sources in Coverage of Local Affairs&quot; has concluded that daily newspapers and electronic sites resort to making sources of news on government activities largely anonymous. Besides, the printed press uses anonymous sources in coverage of local affairs by around 25%.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The study, conducted by researcher Asmaa Abu El Enein and debated at the Jordan Media Institute (JMI) to be awarded the MA degree, stressed the need for developing a clear editorial policy and principles that govern the use of anonymous sources. Journalists should abide by these principles in view of the negative effects of this approach on credibility and transparency with the public. The study, supervised by JMI Dean Dr. Basim Tweissi, aimed at discovering how much the Jordanian printed and electronic press relies on anonymous sources in its coverage of local affairs. This was done through analyzing the content of local news in three daily newspapers and three electronic sites during 2015.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The study underlined the clear need for developing a real editorial policy, which is based on verifying information before publishing it. Also, press establishments must make a greater effort in covering local news and not be satisfied with reporting it from other entities while keeping sources anonymous. &nbsp;<br /> <br /> The study concluded that there is a need for developing the methodology of investigation at newspapers and websites and focusing on expanded features and reports. When using words such as &quot;experts&quot; or &quot;specialists,&quot; it is important to mention at least two of those experts.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Asmaa Abu El Enein said that using anonymous sources excessively is one of the key factors that cause the public to lose confidence in media outlets. She said that knowing how much press establishments fail to mention sources of news helps in creating a basis for future studies that could explore the reasons for using anonymous sources and the standards that have to be followed when using them.<br /> <br /> She said that although the law allows journalists to withhold sources of news in certain cases, we see that some people resort to hiding sources broadly. This involves stories about accidents and social news without any justification. She noted that the Jordanian Press Code stipulates the following: &quot;Journalists shall exercise the utmost degrees of objectivity in attributing the material published by the press to its sources. They shall mention the source of each press item or text that is published. They shall not attribute this to anonymous sources unless publishing is for the general good or it is impossible to obtain information in any other way.&quot;<br /> <br /> &nbsp;