MOU between JMI and Jordan Environmental Union

02 Oct 2018

Jordan Media Institute (JMI) and the Jordan Environmental Union (JEU) signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at promoting environmental awareness and building national capacities in the area of environmental journalism. 

Under the arrangement, signed by JMI Dean Basim Tweissi and JEU President Omar Shoshan, training courses covering local environmental issues will be provided. At the same time, JMI students will be able to join workshops and activities organized by the Union. 

Pointing to the various environmental challenges facing Jordan including overpopulation, regional wars, and the decline in vegetation cover, Tweissi noted the importance of providing credible information to raise environmental awareness among the general public. 

“The environment is no less important than other critical issues that occupy people’s minds,” said Tweissi. 

For his part, Shoshan expressed hope that the partnership will lead to developing new and diverse journalism skills that will reflect positively on drawing public attention to environmental causes.
