JMI Organizes Orientation Day for New Students

10 Sep 2018

Jordan Media Institute (JMI) organized an orientation day for new students admitted to the MA program in journalism and modern media for the academic year 2018/2019. 

As part of the orientation program, students were introduced to JMI values that are based on professionalism, modernism, innovation, and social responsibility meant to enhance trust in media outlets. 

JMI Dean Basim Tweissi welcomed the new comers and explained that the institute adopts clear and transparent admission criteria that help identify excelling students who have the passion and will to learn.

On the theory-practice divide, the dean noted that there is more focus on the practical side, which makes up 60% of the study plan. He added that the institute seeks to produce journalists who can handle media products from A to Z.

It is worth noting that the JMI provided 41 full and partial scholarships this year for students enrolled in both the thesis and comprehensive exam programs in journalism and modern media.

The meeting included an open discussion between new students, faculty, and staff. The orientation program also covered laws, bylaws and general rules and conditions governing the institute.
