Project: Media and Information Literacy (MIL) for Children and the Youth in the MENA Region


The project aims to enhance knowledge and promote awareness on MIL among children aged between 12 to 16 years in Jordan, Palestine, and Tunisia.

Project Description:

The project includes:

  1. Organizing training of trainer courses on MIL.
  2. Organizing high-quality audiovisual training courses on MIL and making them available online.
  3. Developing media material for trainers.
  4. Producing awareness and educational videos explaining MIL concepts.
  5. Launching an e-platform on MIL.

Project Outputs:

The project was ongoing until the end of 2019, the following had been achieved:

  1. Organizing the first networking meeting at JMI between 17 and 19 September 2018 to launch the project.
  2. Initiating work on MIL awareness videos.