This public policy paper was issued as part of the EU-funded “Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in Jordan” project implemented by JMI in cooperation with UNESCO. It constitutes one of the components of the knowledge foundation on MIL in Jordan, the formation of which JMI is contributing to.
The public policy paper aimed to provide a general information and knowledge referential framework for policy makers, planners, legislators, researchers and those interested in the subject, as well as for public dialogue on MIL. It also sought to highlight the importance of adopting MIL by both educational institutions and civil society organizations and the significant impact of spreading MIL principles on the economy and society.
Researchers who worked on this paper benefitted from available literature in this field as well as guidelines on MIL policies and strategies formulated by UNESCO. The policy paper methodology included reviewing relevant legislative and political frameworks, studying the education system, analyzing gaps and reverting to good practices in this sphere.