Radio Presentation, Production for Iftaa Department at JMI

21 Apr 2018
18 Apr. 2018&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Amman - The Jordan Media Institute (JMI), in collaboration with the General Iftaa Department, organized a training workshop on radio presentation and production for the staff of the department.<br /> <br /> This is within the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two sides to build the capacities of a group of employees at the department and hold several training workshops to develop their capacities in handling modern and diverse media tools.<br /> <br /> The workshop includes practical training on presenting and producing reports, building stories, radio programs, moderating discussions, and others. Trainer Nihad Jariri said that &quot;the course aims at introducing the fundamentals of radio journalism, with special focus on field work and writing to fit listening patterns&quot;.<br /> <br /> Omar Rousan, mufti at the Electronic Iftaa Directorate who is taking part in the course, said that &quot;the course is special. It has enabled us to handle radio programs. It will help us in interacting with the media professionally and producing useful radio programs.&quot;<br /> <br /> The course will last five days and is held with the support of the EU and in collaboration with GIZ.<br /> <br /> The JMI has started receiving applications for the MA program of Journalism and New Media for 2018/2019. It will continue to receive applications until 6 July. For more information, please visit the JMI website,, or call the following numbers: + 962 6 5713304/6.