Signing of Agreement Between Jordan Media Institute and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for Monitoring Gender Issues in the Local Media

01 Dec 2011
Amman, 1 December 2011 A contribution agreement was signed today between Jordan Media Institute JMI and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands launching a two-year project for monitoring and analyzing gender issues in the Jordanian daily print media and radio stations. Ambassador Piet de Klerk of the Netherlands and Mr. Radi Alkhas, JMI Chairman signed the agreement in the presence of JMI founder HRH Princess Rym Ali. The project covers topics related to gender issues and gender stereotyping. Taking into consideration legislation and law, education, welfare, social affairs, culture, human rights, and media policy in addition to other fields. “The media plays a critical role in shaping public opinion and offering a platform for public debates, this two-year monitoring project could have a substantial impact on the educational outcome of the JMI students and media professionals” said Mr. Radi Alkhas, JMI’s chairman. Ambassador Piet de Klerk of the Netherlands added “each country has its own history when it comes to portraying men and women differently, but in every case it is important to document precisely and over a longer period what these differences are and whether they are justified or based on stereotypes.” The longer term objective of the project is to use the analysis and the findings in training for journalists and in media -advocacy workshops, in addition to providing a solid reference for academic researchers interested in exploring the Jordanian media in relation to gender issues "It is an important project where future generations of media professionals can be gender conscious when reporting”, said activist and writer Rana Husseini, the Coordination Manager of the Project. JMI was established in 2008 to provide journalism training in Jordan combining rigorous academic education and practical hands-on training. For more information on the Jordan Media Institute, please check our website