(2014–2017) Strategic Plan Summary

The (2014–2017) strategic plan aimed to realize JMI’s vision using clear objectives and timelines.

The main goal was to put JMI on track to evolve into a highly-regarded institution serving as an academic and professional point of reference in Jordan, then progress to establish itself at the Arab and regional levels via:

  1. Ongoing improvement of academic, organizational and administrative quality.
  2. Achieving distinction and competitiveness in education, academic research, training and community engagement.
  3. Sustaining its human, academic and financial resources, improving their quality and diversifying their sources.
  4.   Integrating JMI into the Jordanian society in general and the media community in particular.
  5. Utilizing state-of-the-art high-tech applications in education, academic research and training.
  6. Building a network of contacts and partnerships at the local, Arab, regional and international levels.
  7. Developing the general performance at JMI, which is a productive, not-for-profit business model mainly based on internal resources.

Plan’s fields:

  • Administrative restructuring and institutionalization.
  • Academic quality.
  • Training and capacity building.
  • Program, projects and research.

Subsidiary policies:

  • Institutional distinction.
  • Sustainability and resource development.
  • Assessment and oversight.