Training of Trainers in gender issues concludes at Jordan Media Institute

14 Jun 2012
Amman, 14 June 2012 Jordan Media Institute concluded a workshop, on gender issues and reporting, addressing 14 journalists from Jordanian media outlets who would become trainers themselves for their respective outlets. The training was held in cooperation with the Canadian International Development Agency in Jordan. Her Royal Highness Princess Rym Ali handed over certificates to the participants in the presence of editors in chief from Alarab Alyawm, Al Ghad, General Manager of Petra news agency and head of reporters at Al Rai. The training was held over ten days where participants examined different reports and texts published in the Jordanian and Arab media in the aim of detecting common errors that influence negatively women’s role as a partner in building societies “ Arab societies refers constantly to the importance of equality between men and women, however the press do not invest enough in achieving and promoting such equality” said Yasar Durra, the training manger at Jordan Media Institute. Adding, that the stereotypes inherent in our image for women and their roles, in addition to how women are portrayed in the media, all have a negative impact on the great potentials and importance of women participation in the development process. The training was managed by journalist Rana Hussieni, consultant in gender issue Randa Naffa, lecturer Muna abu Saleem and trainer Safa Halasseh. This training complements other training programs, workshops and specialized seminars that Jordan Media Institute offers regularly targeting media personnel and journalists in the aim to raise and develop their professional contributions in the work place. For more information on the Jordan Media Institute, please check our website