Voices4Change concludes its first mentor workshop at JMI

25 Mar 2013
Amman, 25 March 2013 Yesterday marked the end of a three day mentor training workshop at Jordan Media Institute JMI, as part of a two year regional project in partnership between Global Nomads Group (GNG) and Transterra Media (TTM). The mentors include journalists from Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine who are active in social media, media development, video editing, and photography among other media related fields. Jordan Media Institute hosted the first workshop in support of the Voices4Change project in Jordan. Similar workshops will take place in Egypt for mentors from Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. The participants were coached on their responsibilities as mentors and on the youth media training goals, in order to train and assist Arab youth in developing their own media content at a later stage of the project. The project “Voices4Change” (V4C) aims to harness the power of new and traditional media to provide young people across the MENA region a platform to positively influence society by expressing their views on important social issues facing the Arab region. Youth mentees throughout the training will build their skills in media production and collaborate with peers outside of their own country. The project aims to promote digital storytelling and media literacy skills among youth, while simultaneously strengthening youth’s ability to communicate across borders, share ideas, and think critically on issues relevant to their own lives and futures.