Workshop on "Gender and Governance" at JMI

09 Jan 2019

Amman – In cooperation with the Forum of Federations and with the support of the Canadian Government, the Jordan Media Institute (JMI) held a workshop for professional journalists entitled "News Storytelling from a Gender and Governance perspective". 

The workshop, which was attended by 16 participants from various local media outlets, focused on the relationship between media and gender by providing positive and neative examples in a number of news reports that showed gender-sensitivity in media operations and content. 

The workshop covered the concepts of governance and its implementations, news storytelling and its components, news-verification methods and advocacy campaigns through practical applications. 

Trainer Ziad Rubaie stated that the training focused on “gender” in order to clarify how to employ theoretical data, gender concepts and wise governance into news storytelling. Rubaie added that the workshop had several goals, including achieving gender equality and social justice. Participants were also divided into groups and each group presented reports that took gender considerations into account. 

For her part, journalist Esraa Tarawneh of the Jordan Radio pointed to the importance of the workshop in introducing new concepts of gender and governance. Conducted by a number of professional lecturers, the workshop involved stimulating discussions and practical applications in addition to combining theoretical methods with practical ones. 

The workshop, which lasted for three days, came within a project implemented by JMI in cooperation with the Forum of Federations - Canada. Another workshop will be held within the same framework next week, targeting junior journalists who have experience in writing reports.
